
5000 anni di amicizia

Istituto comprensivo di Cernobbio
Como Silk Museum and Regione Lombardia

With this project, the studio set out to realise a series of meetings and workshops that, by analysing the long history of the silkworm, sought to lead participants to reflect on some of the pressing issues of contemporary life:
– the relationship between man and other species
– the role of man in being able to modify other living and non-living beings
– the hierarchical thinking that envisages man as the being around whom everything revolves.
Moments of reflection to stimulate the children to think and see things from another point of view, reasoning about the needs and importance of other living beings.

As a first activity, we used pictures to tell the story of the silkworm from its emergence to the present day, with an animated presentation entitled ‘5,000 years of friendship’.
We thus established a dialogue with the children, who were very interested, asking questions and reporting on their experience in silkworm breeding.
When the presentation was over, we divided the children into groups and explained the activity to them: to make a book in which they would tell the story of the silkworm through collages.
We then distributed coloured cards, glue and scissors to all the pupils; each of them began to transpose the words into drawings, creating graphic representations of the story.
At the end of the workshop, we collected all the illustrated pages and bound the various books with coloured cotton threads, which we then handed back to the classes.